Elephant Heart Bring Back Their Beats To Lollapalooza [INTERVIEW]

Don’t miss ELEPHANT HEART at Lincoln Hall for the official aftershow opening for Elohim on 7/29 at 11pm and again at Lollapalooza on the BMI stage 7/30 at 4:30pm!

Elephant Heart Bring Back Their Beats To Lollapalooza [INTERVIEW] 1

Dennis: Good day Jason and Victoria, how are you doing today?

Jason: Doing good. A lot going on over here. Getting ready for the show, juggling other music and a baby!

Victoria: A little stressed trying to make this all happen. But, we’re doing it!!

Dennis: I bet! Thank you both so much for taking the time to chat with me, I really appreciate it! I would like to congratulate both of you on the birth of your son, Jasper! Have you both managed to get a reasonable sleeping schedule now that some time has passed?

Jason: I think we got lucky with jasper, he’s pretty easy most of the time. We’re still adjusting though.

Victoria: Ya, I think we’re getting some good rest, but some days are better than others.

Dennis: Being new parents, how much anticipation did you have prior to his birth and how would you rate yourselves as parents now? Would you say that “you’ve got this” now?

Jason: I think we’re learning everyday. When people say, “you cant explain it”, I get it now.

Victoria: We have been together for 15 years, and married for 10 of those. So, definitely this has been something we have put a lot of thought into. We have put a ton of work battling our own inner demons and relationship wounds. I feel we are better parents for the fact that we are such a great team now. We definitely don’t have it all figured out, but I feel very confident as a mom and I am super connected to my baby. I feel fortunate to have been able to take off so much time to get to know him and build our bond. Jason too, we really dove into the 4th trimesters of nesting and resting.

Dennis: That makes all the difference, my wife and I had a similar situation and it makes the transition so much smoother. To say that this past year was a life-changing year is a complete understatement; between the pandemic, the birth of your first child; (your album Seasons) – which was released very close to a year prior to Jasper being born, that is pretty wild actually! and now, of course Jasper coming into your lives. Looking back on the year, how does it compare to any year before it?

Jason: This year has been weird! The hardest part is how scary it is to have an opinion that goes against the “trends” or the main stream media.

Victoria: Besides the obvious pandemic, weird election and all that, entering motherhood and balancing creative life is a challenge. As well as recovering from the C section. Its a lot, but God doesn’t give us anything we cant handle.

Dennis: That is for sure! During this past year, you performed at the Raised By Wolves Premiere and for Lollapalooza 2020, how were those events for you?

Jason: Lolla was amazing! I think the digital festivals were cool because we got more people watching us than we would have if we were actually playing the festival in person.

Victoria: They were epic actually. We got to build an epic set at our house and have a private show with our best friends. Then, the raised by wolves show was insanely epic because they made a jaw dropping set. We legit felt like we were performing on another planet. I love set design and I was honored to play for such talented creatives.

Dennis: As it happens, your performance on the BMI stage will take place a full year from your virtual performance. Will you be doing anything unique or interactive since we’re all going to be together once again celebrating the power and magic that is music?

Victoria: Nothing specially ‘interactive’, but I did co-design some epic stage outfits this time though!

Dennis: Cool! Can’t wait to see them! Your music has always been tied into some way to make the world a better place as well as bring attention to your non-profit, Picture This. How impactful [is] music, how much positive change can music bring, and how much change have you each personally observed so far?

Victoria: Oh my gosh, I think music and the people behind the music can totally bring change. We don’t have a huge platform yet, but I’ve totally seen impact, people shifting their ways of thinking, loving people and being more generous with their resources.

Dennis: Has “Seasons” been, or will it be released physically?

Jason: We have talked about making a vinyl. Maybe we should!

Victoria: Do CDs exist anymore?

Dennis: It is not every day where a person, or couple in this case, decides to form their own non-profit. How did this come about for you and how would you gauge its impact and success so far? If you can accomplish absolutely anything with Picture This, what would you most like to be able to accomplish through it?

Jason: I think its about impacting one person at a time. We want to connect hearts across the globe.

Victoria: First, I thought it would be really cool if I could try a blueprint and have other people hop on and do their own Picture This with their country, and have it all over the world. That hasn’t happened yet, but I’ve seen a little penpal program blossom and grow. Now I have a sponsorship program for students. So yes we have totally seen great things.

Dennis: Your most recent video for Behke came out in August and I have to say I truly love it, and when I learned the background to it, it made it even more impactful. Do you think you may actively seek out similar situations with people of different backgrounds from different parts of the world telling different stories perhaps?

Jason: 100 percent!

Victoria: We hope to travel all over the world and meet inspiring people. If some great music comes from it then that is a huge win.

Dennis: Have there been any videos that you produced that expanded on the theme of the song far more than you would have anticipated? How important are videos to you for the sake of expressing yourselves?

Jason: We loooove making videos. Vic is such an ‘arts and crafty’ girl so she really comes alive with making them.

Victoria: Videos are great because you can go so far with the hidden messages and easter eggs.

Dennis: One thing that I really respect and appreciate about Elephant Heart is your vocals Victoria and the overall Bollywood sound that you incorporate so wonderfully well. Have you had any lessons for your vocals or are you self-taught?

Victoria: Thank you so much. No, I’ve never had formal training. I just always love singing harmony with Jason. I got in contact with Breck Alan and he is an epic teacher that is teaching me how to warm up and better expand my abs to control my voice.

Dennis: How have been fan reactions to your music; have you observed more responses for any one song over another?

Jason: I feel like HIYA, Love Is The Weapon and Lenguas have got the best responses. But so many people are also connecting with Behke.

Dennis: You both seem to favor Instagram more as your platform of preference, is that the best way for fans to connect with you then as well?

Jason: I miss myspace.

Dennis: Ha! Wow, what a blast from the past… I did like it too though and it took me a very long time to finally leave it for Facebook.

Victoria: Yeah, Instagram is the only one I really know how to use it. I need to get on the TikTok game probably.

Elephant Heart Bring Back Their Beats To Lollapalooza [INTERVIEW] 2

Dennis: Getting back to Lollapalooza, will you both be taking extra (health) precautions while there?

Jason: I’ll wear a mask when in a small room and take ivermectin.

Victoria: I’ll mask up and take precautions. I’m feeding our child so I ain’t putting anything in my
body except vitamins right now.

Dennis: Are there any tour plans or additional shows to promote “Seasons” in the works?

Jason: We have some festival dates coming up that we will announce soon.

Dennis: Excellent! Glad to hear it! Do you have any new songs also in the works?

Jason: We have a lot of starts and a couple finished. Really excited about some of the new sounds we are exploring.

Dennis: Looking forward to that too! Will there be an episode 2 to “The Farm”?

Jason: There has to be!!

Victoria: Oh my goodness I love that you know that! I really hope so. We need Dorian Drislane to come back and capture farm moments. Farm life took a halt with my labor and recovery and construction. But don’t you worry, we’re getting our groove back.

Dennis: I hope so, it was very interesting and fun. Well, once again, I really, sincerely appreciate you taking the time to answer these questions for me today, being a father (myself), I know how busy it can be. I look forward to catching your set on the BMI stage and hearing how the aftershow went as well. Take care of yourselves, be safe and see you soon!

Jason: Thanks so much!! See you there!

Victoria: thank you so much ! Please say hi !!!

Dennis: Will do!

Check out more great interviews here!



Elephant Heart:

Official: https://www.elephantheartmusic.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elephantheartmusic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/elephant_heart
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elephant_heart

Picture This:

Official: http://www.canyoupicturethis.org/


Official: http://www.lollapalooza.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lollapalooza
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lollapalooza
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lollapalooza/

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